is high-quality paper(wood free), Kent paper, and drawing paper.
However, repeated erasure on drawing paper will roughen
its surface and as a result it may not be suitable for
beginners because ink will blot. Qn the other hand, you
do not have to worry about blotting with Kent paper
(both 90kg and 135kg thicknesses are available) or
high—quality paper. K
Nowadays, manuscript paper made exclusively for
drawing cartoons is available. Kent paper or
wood free paper is used and it is printed with
light-blue frame-lines for drawing cartoons, and
with measurement on the edges that make it easier
for partitioning frames and specifying portions of
frames that need to be cut off. Recently, cartoonists
have been using this specialized cartoon manuscript paper.
Most cartoonists nowadays use mechanical
pencils. Some cartoonists say that they use
light-weight pencils when drawing small
cartoons for putting weight on pin-points,_
and larger-gripped ones for drawing large
cartoons with a lighter hand. You should
choose a suitable lead hardness—HB, B, 2B
and so on~—by judging the pressure that will"
bear on the pencil unit. Use B or 2B for
weak pencil pressure. Blue lead pencils and
mechanical pencils are both very convenient.
Blue does not show up when printed; there-
fore, cartoonists use it to specify tone to
their assistants, and or to show where tone
is needed, where there is no shade or drawing.
The AIR-IN and MONO series are commonly
used erasers (see photo). Residue from erasers
may spoil the tone effect if it remains on the
paper so be sure to keep your desktop very clean.
There is also a very convenient eraser called
NON-DUST. This eraser collects the residue by
itself and it keeps the working area clean. There is
also a pen-type eraser, which is very convenient
for erasing in small and narrow spots.
A sand eraser is used to soften tone and bring
out a sense of smoothness and dimness.
Figure I
You will see how flat the side of the human
face is when eye position and ear position
are connected with lines.
The human skull is
composed of two parts,
the upper portion of the
skull and the lower jaw.
These two get together
and become one.
Check with the center line if
the right and left side are
Now let's look at different angles.
Think of adding glasses when deciding
eye and ear positioning.
As the next step, draw positioning lines as in the diagram as if the
entire face were the side of a box. Now angle the lines.
First, partition the face into four squares,
then draw the diagonqls to find the center.
Assume that the eye position comes to the center.
When the figure on the left is angled, you will get
, the figures below.
How To Draw Faces
When the basic skeletal structure
and the position of eyes and nose
is decided then adjust the facial
contours. There will be no problem
as long as the skeletal structure of drawn in accordance with
the basic skeletal structure but if
not then adjust it in your own way.
Try to think about the
basic skeletal structure
so that it matches with
the skeletal structure of
each character and pattern.
Some patterns do not require
drawing a plane of the side of
the face. By the way, the way
that Mr. M draws is this.
Crying loudly
When crying loudly, the
eyes may open but it
depends on the emotional
strength of the heart.
Expression is composed of movements of
eyebrows, eyes and mouth. Even in cases
of deformation, you will be able to express
what you want if you understand the basic
shapes of those movements.
The difficulty of creating expression is that
there are slight differences in even laughing
depending on each situation.
When you draw highlights,
you should use less than
1mm of the brush pen tip.
Draw first a rough copy including
the flow of hair. Then use the blue
pencil to draw the outline of the head.
A light blue pencil doesn't show up in
print if you use it gently.
Now draw in the outline matching
the touch with previous frames.
Later on, you can adjust it with
a pen or brush.
Cover the image roughly with tone
(use lC#63) then cut out the figure
part. You roughly cover it because
you can take it off immediately if
you make a cutting mistake. Also,
you can avoid cutting adjacent tone.
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